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Proactive IT Management

We monitor nearly everything in your network to ensure exceptional performance.

The Era of Reactive, Hourly Rate IT Support is Over

Prevent Costly Blindsides and Unexpected Headaches. Experience Proactive IT Management from ingenuIT.

Is Your Business Still Paying an Expensive Hourly Rate for an IT Consultant to Put Out Fires?

Hourly Services Myth


While hourly billed services create the illusion that you are only paying for services you use, the reality is that your business is likely wasting significant resources due to this approach. Break/fix IT leaves your company vulnerable and prone to problems. Continuity of a single, proactive IT management provider also protects your company from inconsistent work with no future accountability.


Project-Based Myth


Under the hourly or project-based model, you are likely only asking for support when you absolutely need it or when a significant issue arises. Under this scenario, critical maintenance and  management functions such as disaster recovery planning, security auditing, IT policies, and preventative IT solutions among other best practices are overlooked and don’t come to the forefront until it is too late. As your proactive IT management partner, we’re committed to ensuring you aren’t faced with unforeseen surprises.