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Security Consulting

A Security Strategy That Works

Malware attacks are one of the most common causes of business disruption. An effective antivirus approach reduces these risks to your business and helps ensure your systems and employees remain productive. We employ a multi-layered approach to antivirus that focuses on effective antivirus software / policies, automated patching of critical software, user education, and continuous attention to industry security trends. Our approach allows our clients to focus on their business, not on their IT.

Effective Antivirus Software & Policies


The foundation of your antivirus strategy is your antivirus software. We implement and support a wide variety of antivirus software – Trend Micro, Sophos, Symantec, and others – but we recommend Kaspersky antivirus to our clients. Kaspersky Business Security is recognized as a best-of-breed security solution. We configure these products using proven policies that virtually eliminate the chances a system will become infected.


Automated Patching of Critical Software


Even with an effective antivirus software and corresponding policies in place, malware is often the result of unpatched software on a system. Besides the operating system (Windows, OSX), Adobe product, Java, Firefox, Internet Explorer are among the most frequently exploited software applications. We automatically patch all Microsoft products and over 75 other products such as Acrobat, Java, Firefox, Dropbox, and Flash. This automated approach not only protects our clients from vulnerabilities, it prevents business disruption caused by maintenance downtime.


User Education & Management


Perhaps the biggest threats to your antivirus and anti-malware efforts are you and your employees. A vast majority of the major security breaches occur because a user is socially engineered – effectively being deceived to click on a link, open an email attachment, or even give critical information over the phone. While we make an effort to educate our clients about the guidelines they need to follow, our best strategy for protecting our clients is to implement preventative management strategies. For example, rather than asking clients not to open attachments of a certain type, we prevent them from receiving attachments of a certain file type. We employ a number of management policies that allow our clients to seamlessly operate their technology without having to make security-related decisions.


Continuous Attention to IT Security Trends


As committed professionals, our team invests in learning about current and future IT trends. A major component of IT trends revolves around security. We monitor trade publications, newsletters from our security partners, and other sources for upcoming IT security trends. When we learn of a trend that could adversely impact any of our client’s business, we work toward developing automated policies that help us mitigate a potential threat.


If you are interested in learning more about our Network Vulnerability and IT Risk Assessments, please contact us.